Saturday, September 15, 2012

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]: Put more succinctly, going to war in Libya was a close call; there are things various folks could have said to deter him; he ran the decision through executive branch and international channels; most people told him not to do it; but if Congress came into the picture at all, it wasn't enough to merit mention in the retelling, and certainly not enough to follow the constitution and put the prospective war to a vote. The people's representatives were excluded.

That remains a scandal.

And it is telling that Michael Lewis, one of America's finest journalists, didn't even ask Obama about failing to put the decision about Libya before Congress. He didn't ask despite the plain language of the Constitution, Obama's prior statements indicating he fully understood his legal obligations, and the fact that various members of Congress complained about his unilateral action. The imperial presidency is so well entrenched that a journalist like Lewis needn't really question those things to feel as though he's including all the crucial parts of the story about going to war.

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