Monday, May 28, 2012

Racist Israel - these mentally ill, utterly insane people in this video, must be among the most racist morons on earth - David Icke Website

Racist Israel - these mentally ill, utterly insane people in this video, must be among the most racist morons on earth - David Icke Website

You know, the same people who accuse everyone else of being racist against them. They are absolutely bonkers, completely nuts, and look how early they program their children to be the same.
'At a demonstration in south Tel Aviv demanding the immediately expulsion of all non-Jewish African asylum-seekers, a lone Israeli woman who does not agree with the rest of the crowd is shouted down with ferocity and told that she deserves to be raped.'
This has to be seen to be believed that it comes from people who accuse everyone else of being racist.

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